Words of Praise for CRT
I wanted to express my gratitude for all that CRT has done for Aquaneering. You have opened our thinking about how to run the company better in many ways, and have exposed us to some important resources, which have in turn exposed us to additional resources. We have a better understanding to scrutinize our financials, we have a new CPA who is very in-tune with manufacturing, and we have comprised an advisory board to help us with growing the company.
The time and energy that you have invested to assist us with improvements will not be forgotten and we truly appreciate the expertise and experience that you have shared. (Wendy Porter-Francis, Vice President)
“Working with the CRT gave us the focus we needed for continued success.
I joined CRT because I have valued all my mentors and supporters in the past
CRT has some of the smartest leaders in San Diego. It should cost a small fortune to get an hour of serious scrutiny and advice about your business from this group. Lucky for us entrepreneurs, they are willing to help for free. CRT is a no-brainer.
Participating in the CRT allows its members to give back to the community, and supporting the CRT is a way for Fish & Richardson to do the same.
I have no doubt that working with CRT will be absolutely one of the best experiences you will have in your business life.
I would recommend the CRT experience to any entrepreneur who is given the opportunity.
The CRT input was extremely valuable, but more valuable was the process they put the team through. You are forced to think differently, while reexamining parts of your business and recognizing where change within the organization can make a big difference.
“Working with CRT was the best business decision I have ever made. These are not a bunch of retired ‘good old boys’. These are successful executives who have a wealth of knowledge and experience to share. The advice they provide is relevant, curre”
You should take the opportunity to learn whenever it’s offered. This whole experience has been an incredibly valuable gift to our company.
“The engagement with CRT provided a clear view of the metrics required to attain our goals – and it remains a beacon to guide us there.
There are a lot of people that need CRT’s mentorship, but they either don’t know it, let their egos stand in the way, or think they don’t have time for it. CRT helped us move through an important phase of growth more rapidly and less painfully than we e
Set your ego aside and open yourself up to the possibilities. Our problems and the corresponding solutions were right in front of us. We just needed an outside perspective to help us find them.
Working with CRT was the best business decision I have ever made. These are not a bunch of retired ‘good old boys’. These are successful executives who have a wealth of knowledge and experience to share. The advice they provide is relevant, current, a
The Chairmen’s RoundTable is an incredible San Diego resource. Going through the mentoring process provided significant value and I feel very lucky to have been selected to be a part of it.
These guys are like angels that dropped down from above. We will look back 10 years from now and realize our success came from the direction and guidance that the CRT members provided us for free.
I have grown both professionally and personally from my CRT experience.
Working with CRT is a once in a lifetime opportunity for an entrepreneur.
Talk to CRT if you want advice from over-qualified, unbiased people. But be willing to listen. If you’re not going to listen, don’t waste your time. I know it sounds too good to be true, but I’m here to tell you that I couldn’t have hand picked better
The time I spent with my CRT mentors was very rewarding. Their advice was invaluable and covered everything from guidance on fundamental management issues to the detailed terms of a complex technology transfer deal. I was truly touched by the spirit
Being in business for many years, I have read many business books, listened to many motivational speakers, and gone to lots of business seminars. Oftentimes, I was energized and motivated, and ready to go after these exercises. Unfortunately, it always seems that the half-life of such benefits is very short. Old habits come back very quickly.
The CRT process is an entirely different thing. I have never done a more comprehensive analysis and evaluation of my business as we did in this process. I have a much better understanding of what makes my business tick and what makes me tick. Two years out, I feel that I am still getting a lot from the process, and rather than decreasing in value, it actually increases over time as plans come to fruition and results are there.
The process the CRT members put us through opened our eyes enabling us to see an end result and then gave us the management skills to make the hard decisions that changed the direction of the company and is the reason we are still in business and thriving.
I found my experience with CRT to be invaluable.
By working with the CRT members, our company received priceless information. This kind of information would have cost us thousands of dollars if we had hired consultants.
“This is an opportunity to engage some of the best business minds in the area. They have no hidden agenda but to help your company succeed. If given the chance, why would you hesitate?
CRT took the time to learn our business and help us move forward at All Access Rentals to become a better company. They listened to our issues, found ways to solve them, and helped us become more profitable while continuing to grow and support our customers. The team CRT assigned to us at All Access Rentals consisted of highly trained leaders that showed us the direction to take our company and gave us a detailed plan on how to achieve our goals. I would highly recommend—actually I believe it should be mandatory—if you have a good company and want to make it extraordinary then CRT is the place to start. At All Access Rentals we will be indebted to CRT forever.
It is great to know that these successful entrepreneurs are giving back to San Diego through the process of helping others for simply the satisfaction of having done so.
Working with the CRT allowed us to clearly define and articulate our vision for the company in a living document that we can continue to use. I would recommend this process to any company that wants to challenge its direction and is looking for sound fee
“I’m not sure we’d be where we are today without their (CRT) guidance…
Sponsors / Supporters
I joined CRT to give back and contribute to the success of local companies. To network and be referred into companies who want to learn more about EOS.
It’s a rare privilege to offer what CRT brings to our firm’s clients and others…insights from the most experienced collection of business people in San Diego.
I value the thrill of helping business owners grow and the friendship of other the members.
I joined CRT to understand the needs of emerging businesses.
To me the value of CRT is that they assist companies in driving to success.
I joined CRT to assist early stage firms in driving to success.
I value what coaching and mentoring can do to help a business grow. I believe in the CRT mission.
The Chairmen’s RoundTable provides an incredible service to local businesses.
The mission serves my clients, and fellow EO members well. I see it as a good resource for our business community and am happy to support it.
Participating in the CRT allows its members to give back to the community, and supporting the CRT is a way for Fish & Richardson to do the same.
Our firm’s clients value the opportunity at CRT to mine the best collection of experienced business people available for mentoring in all of San Diego.
I joined CRT because it’s by far the best advisory resource for growing, privately owned businesses in San Diego.
I have enjoyed the cases I have worked on thus far and have been told that CRT mentor-ship is helpful. I have learned a lot in the process.
I am proud of the work we do as mentors, and I think Chairmen’s Roundtable is a worthy program that provides real value to business owners in San Diego.
The experiences of mentoring companies and the satisfaction of being responsible for Client Acquisition has been wonderful.
CRT allows me to continue to learn, to continue to give and to continue to impact.
There is great satisfaction in helping others to succeed.
Love challenge and accomplishment. Can accomplish this through the companies I have mentored.