Succession Planning 101

Succession Planning 101

You’ve built a successful organization and you’re starting to think about next steps. Maybe it’s time to retire or to move on to another adventure. Or perhaps you’re merely trying to be organized in case something unforeseen happens. If you’ve got a family-owned...
Setting Effective Business Goals for 2022 (And Beyond!)

Setting Effective Business Goals for 2022 (And Beyond!)

With the holidays now solidly behind us, it’s time to get serious and establish new business goals for 2022. We’re reminded of a quote from Fletcher Byron, who noted; “To the proverb which says ‘A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step’ I would add ‘and...
JFK’s Week – Blog Post

JFK’s Week – Blog Post

A few years back, I taught a class for the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at San Diego State. Osher provides an affordable, pain-free way for mature adults to update their learning skills and mastery in a university classroom setting. I organized the course around...
Having Trouble Hiring? Read This.

Having Trouble Hiring? Read This.

A recent study by global management consulting firm McKinsey & Co. reports 40% of employees want more than just a paycheck to give their lives meaning. These people are ready to walk out the door, even without another job lined up, because they’re not getting...
Mentoring is About Sharing Lessons Learned: Be One

Mentoring is About Sharing Lessons Learned: Be One

Great mentors are generally people of good will who get satisfaction out of helping create opportunities for other people by sharing their knowledge. This is not always as easy as it sounds, but it can end up being tremendously rewarding. We encourage experienced...
Successfully Working From Home

Successfully Working From Home

Decades in a home-based office have taught me some valuable lessons on keeping both sane and productive. As a public service, and in light of the current work environment, we’d like to share these thoughts to help anyone suddenly tossed into working from home. 1)...