As our Vice Chair of Sponsor Development, Cory’s experience and voice are critical to our continuing success. His effort to find and filter out quality sponsors provides support and a critical component to the CRT ecosystem and its mission of guiding hundreds of businesses to their next level of accomplishment. CRT sponsor firms provide financial support and a network of resources for the mentors, partners, and companies being mentored.
“I was fortunate enough to have good mentors as a young adult,” he explains, noting “I appreciate the willingness of someone to learn, grow, and contribute back to the community.”
Of course, a person of Cory’s caliber would quickly be snapped up by dozens of groups, each eager to put his skill set to work for them. His focus on Chairmen’s RoundTable is easily explained.
“We have some of the best business minds in San Diego in one room. Everyone is VERY open to sharing. These are people who have spent years growing and running multi-national corporations, and they don’t have anything to prove. This leads to an atmosphere of camaraderie and a lack of ego that’s very refreshing to work around and be part of. Everyone in the room leaves every meeting with new insights that can be shared with friends, clients, and associates.”
And what does he see CRT bringing to clients, other supporters, and San Diego’s at-large business community? “Attending a meeting is an amazing experience. Any business owner would pay handsomely to get a consultation with any number of the minds in that room. It is quite fortunate that dozens of brilliant people are willing to give of their time, wisdom, and experience for free…because they know it’s a great way of helping San Diego’s business community.”
About Chairmen’s RoundTable
Delivering free mentoring services from an impressive roster of 40+ current and former CEOs, 15 sponsor firms, and the region’s premier educational and professional organizations, CRT’s collective expertise has helped hundreds of San Diego businesses meet and exceed their professional objectives.
You can get more information about CRT, including whether your business qualifies to become a client, at www.chairmensroundtable.com. Please stop by and introduce yourself to Cory when you’re attending one of our free meetings, or reach out to him at cory@ghjinc.com.