A division of BNP Paribas, Bank of the West provides an extremely localized focus to the third largest bank in the world. And with their expertise in small and mid-sized business needs, Win and his team are a natural fit with CRT.
Win’s been supporting Chairmen’s RoundTable for years, and his reasons are simple:
He enjoys learning from the mentors and watching them in action as they help our clients. Win recognizes the importance of gaining new knowledge every day, and knows he’ll always learn something from every mentor in the room.
He wants to be a resource to CRT’s mentors, sponsors, clients, and guests. This means he’s constantly extending himself to become familiar with ideal client profiles, industry challenges, issues of concern, goals, and objectives.
With over 40 years in the banking world, Win is both accomplished and highly enthusiastic about commercial, private banking, and financial services. He excels in strategic and tactical implementation and brings a proactive, results-oriented approach to everything he does. He specializes in target market analysis, needs analysis, sales coaching/training, and proposal development, and is a master at networking.
The win is the very definition of the word “Gentleman”. He never makes a promise he doesn’t intend to keep and is fastidious about following up on every commitment he makes.
About Chairmen’s RoundTable
Delivering free mentoring services from an impressive roster of 40+ current and former CEOs, 15 sponsor firms, and the region’s premier educational and professional organizations, CRT’s collective expertise has helped hundreds of San Diego businesses meet and exceed their professional objectives.
You can get more information about CRT, including whether your business qualifies to become a client, at www.chairmensroundtable.com. Please stop by and introduce yourself to Win when you’re attending one of our free meetings, or reach out to him at Win.Englebert@bankofthewest.com.