Where to Find Them: www.brandetize.com
What They Do: Brandetize becomes a full-service digital marketing and technology extension to a company’s existing business.
The company’s services include Digital Strategy; Email Marketing; Social Media; SEO, Paid Media, Web Design & E-Commerce; Email Marketing, Business Development; Product Strategy; and Content & Video Production.
Objectives: Management needed help with pricing and positioning in the marketplace.
Challenges: Since 2014, Brandetize has built a great team and culture. When they started with CRT, they had 18 people on board, but found they were all working too hard and not really moving the needle as much as they felt they should be doing.
CRT Recommendations: CRT provided two mentors to meet with management once each month for one-on-one discussions, which provided deadlines to focus on and kept all the key players on track. This effort culminated in a presentation before the full board of 45 current and retired CEOs in a wide range of industries and corporate disciplines.
These suggestions were made to Eric and his team:
- Review business model to maximize profitability
- Clarify positioning to ensure the effectiveness of marketing
- Increase pricing and sell the Value of services to gain a larger ROI
Results: Brandetize is in a MUCH stronger position today than when its relationship with CRT first began. They are up to 30 staffers, are growing revenues, and thanks to one of their CRT advisors, the company now has an advisory board to keep them moving in the right direction at all times.
CEO Eric Berman says: “Working with Chairmen’s Roundtable was unquestionably one of the best business decisions we made last year. Both one-on-one and as a group, we found them to be an amazing sounding board capable of delivering great results.’s contacts and continuing efforts by management, our relationship with Chairmen’s RoundTable has been pahing off, and is expected to for YEARS to come!”
“If you are an entrepreneur serious about growing your business and have the opportunity to work with CRT, stop what you are doing and take immediate action! You CAN’T pass on an opportunity to get mentored by others who have been in your shoes before and are willing to give guidance!